
A Ministry Of Education

We believe there is no greater stewardship entrusted to us as a church than the responsibility of teaching God’s eternal Word. Here, the Bible is more than a book. Our teachers are committed to “holding forth the Word of life” which can transform students into teachers and seekers into guides.

A Ministry Of Encouragement

As long as we live in this world, times of hardship and discouragement will, occasionally catch up with us. Finding your place here will make a wonderful difference in your life. We strive to be filled with the Spirit of 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 in which “the God of all comfort comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble…”

A Ministry Of Evangelism

Jesus met with His disciples for forty days following His resurrection to instruct them about the future kingdom that would continue to populate with new citizens. He told them in Acts 1:8 that in order to accomplish this ongoing task, He would give them the indwelling power of His Spirit so they would not have to rely on their own limited strength. It is in this reliance on the power of God that we press ahead as salt and light in our community, seeking to clearly hold forth the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Ministry Of Exaltation

The most crucial of all our activities is the time we spend in worship. Without question, this is central to our life as a body of believers. When we gather every Sunday morning, our primary focus is not on ourselves but on our Lord. We join together to exalt Him, lifting our voices in praise to the One who gives us life in all its fullness. In reality, when we meet to worship, He is the audience and we are the participants in giving Him praise.